Good communications are extremely important for the cordial atmosphere and good productivity in the workplace. Inability to communicate effectively with the colleagues and bosses might lead mistakes that that could lead to poor productivity and losses. Effective communications are an absolute must for building up trust, friendship or relationships in life.
Personal meetings
Meeting people personally and having discussions with them, is the best way to communicate. When you meet people and understand each other's body language, you would be able to build a rapport with each other. When a personal meeting is impossible it is good to keep in touch over the phone.
Building up a network in the different departments of your company and even outside, is of primary importance. A friend or contact well placed in the accounts department or transportation department could be very useful when the need arises. This applies to your day to day life too. We have seen that a doctor friend or a friend in a bank, come up with invaluable advice when we need it most.
Your manners and politeness in your communications goes a long way in creating a good impression of yourself. It would also help to forge a long term friendship. Don't ever try to show your superiority by ill treating other people. You are only belittling yourself in the eyes of the other person. If you treat others well it becomes impossible for others to treat you badly. Good manners and politeness is a habit. Make extra effort to cultivate this habit. This mutual trust and respect would help in the creation of a cordial atmosphere in the work place.
Willingness to compromise is the best way of avoiding and getting out conflicts. Always listen to the other person's point of view. Place yourself in his shoes and think what you would have done. If others can see that you are acting in the larger interests of the company, they would be willing to compromise.
Make yourself attractive and interesting. Pay special attention to your clothes. It should always be sober, pleasing and attractive. Read the local news paper and keep yourself updated with the latest information. Keep up with the information on the latest advances in your business. Never keep talking about yourself and your exploits. This is sure to make people avoid you like plague.
Listening Skills
Listen to what others have to say with patience. You empathize with them. This empathetic active listening will gain you a lot of respect and win you quite a few friends. Listening skills are very important to understand the work at hand. It is also essential to understand and resolve problems of the customers. It is also necessary to build rapport with the bosses and colleagues. It is only when you listen carefully that underlying problems can be understood. You should always listen to the suggestions of employees. This would help clear any misunderstanding. The suggestions and ideas may lead to increased productivity.