Tuesday, May 1, 2012

How to Organize and Conduct an Effective Meeting

Meetings are an essential part of any business. Meetings help to plan, evaluate and execute any job.  They also help to sort out a variety of problems. It is essential that the meeting has to be short and productive.
Here are some ideas as how to organize and conduct an effective meeting.

1.  It is necessary to have a clear understanding of the purpose of the meeting and the subject of discussion. 

2.  Make a list of people who have to be invited. Also plan what information has to be gathered and disseminated.

3.  Specify the goal of the meeting. Also plan what has to be accomplished during the meeting. Specify a precise agenda for the meeting. Specify all the points that have to be discussed. The agenda may include review of notes from the business.  The evaluation of the present and past business may be included.

4.  List the order according to which the points have to be discussed. The agenda will help the participants to be prepared with the information that has to be discussed.

5.  It is better to distribute the agenda before the meeting to the invitees. It will help them to jot down the questions that have to be raised at the meeting.

 6.  At the start, state the purpose of the meeting and the time allocated. Start the discussion immediately without wasting any time. If the subject gets off track during the discussion, bring it back highlighting the points that have to be discussed.

 7.  Allocate time for different points to be discussed. If it is a 90 minute meeting, allocate 30 minutes each to three different points.

 8.  Take notes during the meetings. Write down the objects, plans and additional information that have to be gathered. 

 9.  As the meeting ends summarize what was discussed and action plan to execute the decisions arrived at.

These are some of the important points to be considered when you have to organize and conduct an effective meeting. 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Job interview Tips: Questions and Answers

You must have faced several job interviews in your career and kept wondering whether you could have done better. It is very important that you face your interviews with confidence and showcase all your qualifications and skills. You must present yourself as the person most suited for the job. You have to imagine yourself as the interviewer and think as to what kind of candidate you want to hire. Here are some job interview tips, the questions and answers.

You must have seen the interviewers jotting down points as you are answering the questions.  The managers who question during the interview have a scoring section. Each question they ask, they will have a value according to the importance of the question for that particular job. For example computer skills may have only 5 points assigned to it. Specialized experience section in the relevant field may have 20 points assigned to it. You may score 5 points for experience in an area that might not matter much. You may score further 5 points for experience in a similar field. The remaining 5-10 points could be earmarked for specialized experience in the relevant field.

Here are some important tips on how to go about getting that elusive job


As the competition for each post is fierce, it is important that you project yourself well, in your resume. As each job attracts number of applications, the first step is to get selected for the interview. As the company screens the applications, each application may be assigned the score on the basis of the resume. Getting selected for the interview is the first part of the battle.

Pay Attention to the Question

Listen to the question carefully and give appropriate answers. Many candidates are too worried about what they would answer, that they do not pay attention to the question. If you cannot understand the question properly ask the interviewer to repeat the question.

If you don’t have similar experience that the question refers to, you can tell about experience which is closely related to it. If you are interviewed for sales manager’s post in a high tech firm and you don’t have the necessary experience in the relevant field, you can tell about your experience in marketing household gadgets. You should be able to convince interviewer with the kind of experience you have, you can deliver the goods.  

Provide Examples

In response to a question you can provide examples as to how you tackled a similar situation. This would convince the interviewer better than hypothetical answers.

Be Prepared for Tricky Questions

You might be asked as to what is the biggest mistake you committed in your previous job. This would be a tricky question unless you are prepared for the answer. You can tell about a mistake you committed and what you learnt from it. It is well known face everyone makes mistakes. The right answer to this question may land you the job.

Keep Smiling

Look confident and smile during the interview. Look in to the eyes of interviewer when you answer the questions. You might be considered to be evasive and shifty if you look away.

Right posture

Sit in the right posture when you face the interview. If you are clicking a ball point pen or swinging your legs, you might create a bad impression on the interviewers. If this distracts the interviewers you may lose marks.

Be Brief

Give brief and relevant answers. Long winded and irreverent answers will cost you the job. Remember the interviewer has a job at hand of selecting the right candidate. He cannot afford to waste time over one candidate. Remember “brevity is the key”.

Do your Homework

Research the organization thoroughly before you attend the interview. Look up for news articles and write ups about the organization and what they are up to. Provide answers according to their expectations.

Ask Relevant Questions

At the end of the interview you will generally be asked whether you have any questions. Ask a few bright questions about the organization. Mention what you have learnt about the organization. Never mention the salary.

If you follow the above job interview tips you will definitely stand a better chance of getting selected.